My dog LOVES your leg

This is an impressive display of douchebaggery. The funny thing is that all those people who hate him for being a black quarterback are now going to be fans because of his misogyny. “He’s just not POLITICALLY CORRECT, YOU FEMALE SNOWFLAKE!”

Someone said elsewhere that all they have to do now is hire Comcast for phone support and Wells Fargo for payroll.

Canines have their own version of nachos. They are called squirrels.

An interminable abyss of wackness - Kinja

Yeah was really disappointed in that movie. Only a few scenes were anywhere close to being good.

I don’t mean to lecture, Jesse, but if O Brother Where Art Thou “seems to have fallen in esteem somewhat since its release” among the people you’re spending time with, then those people are not your friends.

Hell, I’ll stand up for Ladykillers. I might even prefer it to Hail, Caeser!

Well, I’ll only be 82!

And this recap has a whooping thirteen comments! THIRTEEN! Pre-Kinja there would likely be hundreds of comments by now.

That’s a common reaction. The short answer is, no one knows. The long answer is, Tommy knows but isn’t saying. Other than that, no one knows.

I’m a pretty angry driver sometimes. Mostly because people don’t know there’s a special road you can drive on if you want to drive slowly and it’s called “Not the Fucking Highway”. I do a fair amount of screaming and curse at shit drivers, whether I’m alone or with someone in the car. And yet I’ve never dropped an

He should spend all that Amazon money buying AV Club so we can go back to being a website and not whatever the hell this is.

A little dramatic, guy

From what I can tell, TFA’s slavish devotion to all things A New Hope bothered everyone at Lucasfilm too. It wasn’t without its good points though.

Man Kinja murdered your commenting community. I’m genuinely curious if your traffic has went up or down since linking to the Gawker-verse.

So this is what the anti-Kinja milieu was warning about...  

“In this novel, a heroic, righteous officer of the law spends decades chasing an evil, criminal fugitive who used a fake identity to hide in plain sight and even stole a loaf of bread when he was hungry. That criminal was a thief and deserved to be punished.”

- An excerpt from Tom Llamas grade 7 book report on Victor

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

In these desolate times, it’s good to know some things haven’t changed. Never leave us, Reposted.

The show may have been rough, clearly unable to do anything big set piece wise, and missing quite a few classic Tick elements (though I will still say that Batmanuel was an improvement), but I loved the series nonetheless. Warburton was perfect in the lead role and it was consistently funny.