
You kids need to calm down with all this Bolt GOAT talk. Carl Lewis won nine gold medals, including four gold in four events in 1984.

Almost certainly just about NBC being obsessed with gymnastics and Simone Biles.

that’s the stuff 😌

This is not her native language, she’s not used to public speaking, and it was broadcast internationally. Give her a break.

you say it like normal people know who the fuck justin wong is...

Anyone who actually has an issue with this needs to take a deep breath and contemplate their priorities in life.

But its ok to wear it as a swimsuit.

Well, I’m not going to fight 2 billion soccer fans about whether it’s a sport or not. You do it, I’ll wait here.

Duron Carter is a dickhead, the coach flopped and Canadian penalties sound adorable.

Didn’t need to watch the video (or even read the headline), if he regularly posts videos to YouTube, yet still holds his phone in portrait mode when shooting video, that tells me all I need to know about him.

I keep seeing Minions posts. I always want to say “You do realize that the Minions are complete fucking morons, right? That’s how you want to identify yourself? Really?”

Here’s a tip: Don’t buy anything unless you wanted it before the sale AND are going to play it in the near future.

Apartments have noise restrictions, sounds like he didn’t read his lease.

So any news of Forza Motorsports 7? Hopefully for PC as well as Xbox.

I’m 100% certain he just doesn’t give a fuck.

I generally don’t move over. I let them go around.

So it should be illegal then right? Right?

Yea... Daggers ARE weapons. It's like asking "What's the point of an airplane designed to fly faster"?

The question I have, is why would you own a dagger that is not designed to kill something?

I'll never own a supercar, so I couldn't care less if supercar production suddenly stopped. I know, I'm a terrible American.