
Why does every Tesla article I see here make me feel like the people keying Tesla’s aren’t ‘red necks’ but rather just butthurt jalopnik ‘journalists’?


On the pretense that the nurburgring measures anything that matters to begin with, you certainly have given the anti Elon crowd ammo.

Exactly. As selfish as it is, I’d rather the studio make less money per unit if it means we don’t get preyed on as a result.

That’s good and all but what happens when this is all posturing so that 5-10 years down the line we’re paying subscription fees for launchers because they aren’t getting enough money to make them happy? And suddenly launcher exclusivity becomes as horrible as console exclusivity?

The problem is that it doesn’t seem like the political jaunts are the smart bit they are the comic relief. In typical Far Cry fashion it’s the psychoanalysis of the bad guy that is the smart bit.

No, not because Millennial. Because slightly cheaper and about the same quality.

It isn’t even close to the biggest story, it only seems like it because you have super-glued your mouths to the teet of liberal media. No one actually gives a shit, but keep it up you are angering republicans enough and they’ll actually go out and vote. So thank you.

It doesn’t mean more of you get heard, don’t you understand the definition of an echo chamber? Trump is going to win re-election and it’s because of you soft-will human beings who keep throwing pot-shots over the bow from your safe-spaces.

Him projecting would make sense if you wouldn’t have used the term ‘female masters’, don’t worry the average person on this site acts ages 10 and under so you’ll get plenty of.. stars, whatever that means.

Except this isn’t a vacuum where you get to control all the variables to make your argument, the case is in front of us and we know all the variables.

There’s a difference between a gun in your face, and someone starting to rub your back while two people in front of do things that imply they want you to join in.

Just once, I wanna find out about something like this and have it turn out the guy didn’t actually do anything.

I don’t care fuck off.

Yes, because you people won’t shut the hell up about it. Who cares what 14 year olds think? Are we 14? Have I forgotten again that at the age of 25 I’m basically an ancient waste of space in any online forum on the internet?

“No, your abusive significant other doesn’t deserve another chance.” fixed, that simple.

It’s really quite simple, people were not as critical or cynical back then. There has never been a great Star Wars movie.

Extremism has raped our culture, accept it. It’s politically and socially acceptable, and praiseworthy, to be on the extreme left. Look at the comments, people looking for any excuse to be as extreme as they can be.

No, we live in a time where mimimum wage in some places is almost half the living wage in those same places.

It’s not a dumb rule, it’s the refs not interpreting it correctly. He made an athletic move with a knee and foot down, it’s a catch. All that supersedes needing to keep possession through making contact with the ground.