
Release the DLLs so we can get actual mod support.

Yeah gang members are terrorists, so you have a point. Nothing more deadly in America than a black gang-member.

You are a critic, everything is supposed to be able to be judged, that should be your dogma. But again and again, you defend developers as if they have no power.

Thank you.

It’s 2017 the US does use the metric system, GTFO. All kids for the last 15 years have been learning SI units which include both imperical and metric units.

fuck off with your internet arguing. In real life, real cops say they won’t pull you over unless you’re going 5mph over. I know because I’ve asked, multiple say they won’t unless you’re going 7 over or 8 over. Unless I’m in the city during peak drunk driving times, I’ve never been pulled over for going 40 in a 35.

You don’t even know what your reality is, there is nothing more toxic, short-sighted, and ideologically ass backwards than the reality made up by middle-aged liberal women, no matter the skin color honey.. you are that simple.

It’s anti-male period, all liberal propaganda is.. and that is what the root has always been. Thinking were still in phase 1 of feminism, short-sighted fools are leading us to commit the same societal faults as years ago, except this time the shoe is on the other foot.

“no one is forgiving or forgetting”

Yes continue being the real problem, outside sources telling african americans how they should think.

hate groups are synonymous with terrorist groups as far as I’m concerned, and you know what terrorist groups want? For you to bring them up. Same thing with any other societal issue, like racism. Ask a well learned african american what we should do about racism?

Or don’t because they aren’t doing day before deliveries or even midnight deliveries for a lot of people.

Or don’t because they aren’t doing day before deliveries or even midnight deliveries for a lot of people.

Nah, no need to correct it. Everyone knows this website and it’s co-horts are filled to the brim with nonsense.

Shits at like 15 fps half the time.

The game is fun. I’ll get it. It’s a single-player game isn’t it? Don’t really care then about this pay to win stuff. Let the fools give them more money and let it translate to more stuff for me.

No idea if you would know this, but is the comic-con panel going to be live-cast anywhere? An hour long panel with Luke and the gang talking about Destiny 2.


Yes let’s make it about race.. and let’s not mention John Oliver because he’s on our side of the political fence.

5th Element Shit

It’s a great game.