

This is certainly one of the exceptions to the rule that people should not be judged by the worst thing they’ve ever done.

good for them standing up for what they believe in. It’ll ruin them, but hey, at least they have integrity.

are not, I meant. but we’ll see.

You have reached peak Kotaku.

at $200 I’d bet you $200 that those are the benchmarks for that card.

link please. I’d figure it to be on par with a high-end non reference 970.. not any 980.

62? damnnn I might have to re-install this one.

gosh do people really click on this shit?

wow you really earned your username with that response.

and all of my stances are liberal but because all I see and hear all day is short-sighted liberals missing the point, I have to self-identify as a conservative.

I think this is good news for PC gamers, with multiple platforms all more relating to PC architectures than ever before, it’ll be easier, I hope, for them to get ported to PC.

Reddit has ruined me, this is far too tasteful.

the only real answer is to make these devices monitor replacements, until then stuff like this, which I think is embarrasing and is also the reason no one I know will buy one of these things, this stuff will continue to happen and it’ll ruin augmented/virtual reality the same way it ruined the Wii and Kinect.

Exactly this, it’s hype will only continue to grow and it will get great reviews because it’s made by blizzard all the while it’s just an average game.

Besides Battlefront EA’s been doing great work. EA/Origin access is the best value for AAA games I’ve ever seen. $29.99 to have full access to fantastic games all year round.. and now they are working on unifying their catalog with microsoft unifying their OS, I’m looking forward to EA hitting it’s stride in this

They’ve likely been working on D2 since D1 launched, in fact I remember them saying that in one of the interviews.

“but they aren’t paragons of virtue either.”

You fighting it is the problem.. if you do nothing, it’s not as if you are allowing it.. there are things in place to stop this from happening.. while you’ve done your part in ensuring this article is about that, and not just about “oh racism exists, that sucks” the comment section is still as useless as ever.

I think distinguishing between professional sports that’s really just ad-revenue above all else, and pretty much every other sporting arena is important.. Sports build character, they teach important life lessons. Plenty of people I know who were the “bully” or the “pot-head loser” in highschool became goal-oriented