
Being in the UK and with the majority of cars still being manual, not being able to get into neutral is something I’ve never even considered as a potential issue. Currently, the lack of autos in the UK means most of the cars presenting this issue will be EVs.

Came for this. However, that proposed edit satisfies both pizazz and accuracy.

The problem is that with EV’s they don’t just ‘shred themselves’ if there’s a battery fault...they tend to go up in flames.

2015 Chargers, Challengers, 300's (you might get me with 300) all have a neutral safety switch right next to the shifter under the center console.

Given how prevalent this was, I had assumed it was a regulation or required, I worked at a company that purchased cars and can never remember needing to shift a car to neutral and not being able to find that hidden push button.

This is really less a story about being able to get a bricked EV into neutral; and more a story about EVs, or any car for that matter, having a limp-home mode.

Since these fuckers have so much cargo space, they should be able to fit 4 of these somewhere? 

You have a real problem with generalizations. You read:

German over-complication.  Check.

I’m going to comment before reading the article.

In states where the first wrecker on the scene gets the tow, you end up with tow truck drivers speeding and driving recklessly to get the job.  The flip side is a lottery or rotation.  Safer, but then there’s no incentive to get there in a timely manner.  

Wow, what’s with all the hate?!....this article was super informative to me, a non-motorcyclist. I come to Jalopnik for a wide range of wheeled journalism and this checked the box.

Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but I just don’t care enough to do that. Regardless of whether Tesla is the first word in a Bolt review, it doesn’t make what I said any less true. Has Jalopnik done a review of a Zero yet? Do they have any real world experience to base a comparison off of, or would they just be

because people have long memories and don’t really know what they are talking about... back int he day a civic used to cost a fraction of what an american car costs, and the same was true for motorcycles. now a civic is a somewhat ‘premium’ economy car handsomely equipped with safety and comfort features. the same

I don’t know why people keep saying that HD is always way more expensive. The Honda Shadow is $7,900; the HD Street 750 is $7,600. The Yamaha VMax is $18,000; the HD Fat Bob is $17,100. The Honda Gold Wing is $23,800; the HD Road Glide is $21,600.

The target customer for this isn’t the mainstream one - It’s the same person buying a $120k+ Tesla. Very high income, very style and image conscious, likes technology. Probably has whatever the newest smartphone is.

It’s sort of the opposite though, right? The H-D is the premium product.

It’s a review, not a comparison. I wouldn’t expect a review of the Bolt to include anything about a Tesla because a review points to the things that are good and the things that are bad, not how it stacks up to the competition

You know, I think HD is actually trying copy pre-Model 3 Tesla.