Brian O

It was in America. That's what the talk about Cleveland was about. In the world of the show, it's Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, Cleveland. Of course, there's no one around make that list of cities infamous.

It's a puppet state. Pretty much all of the Nazis in America are American. Most of the- or is it all of the- German Nazis we see are visiting from Germany.

Like the scene where Anakin is laying prone on the banks of that lava river with third degree burns on most of his body after Obi-wan amputated his legs? You know, for kids.

"We don't need that website to tell us…."

The RLM reviews have overtaken the prequels- on a certain cultural wavelength. And deservedly so.

There has long been a theory that Karl Rove did exactly that.

Just like The Wiz!

Now, Marge, you can’t blame all of Bart’s problems on your one little
speech. If anything turned him bad, it’s that time you let him wear a
bathing suit instead of underwear. And let’s not forget your little