Would have thought the bitch would have melted.
Would have thought the bitch would have melted.
Great job, Don Quixote. You really felled those giants with this drivel.
How does winning a primary count as a win for the Democratic Party? To be fair, Democrats win EVERY Democratic primary.
Beautiful story, but can we trim the crawl out of the photo at the top? “Man who tried to rape 93 yo” is not really helping this one.
This white woman is clearly mentally ill or drunk. I’m glad the Root is celebrating mocking her. It’s so classy.
And also, just let some that isn’t important slide. Don’t call the cops on someone who is smoking too close to a building door. Don’t call the cops if music is louder than you want after 10pm. Don’t call the cops for shit you wouldn’t call the cops for if it was a white neighbor or if the level of annoyance isn’t…
If you want to criminalize forceable kissing, we’re all fucked.
These accusers are all self-promoters or jilted lovers. We keep waiting for that other shoe to drop, but the other women so far are just mad he didn’t fuck them or pimp their books.
It’s more that, like it or not, despite the generally poor quality of its arguments this site is often looked to for “what black people think” and it is more often than we want to admit a place where white people go to get a black take (you’re the internet’s black friend — just like in life when we dont necessarily…
Yeah! Let’s push back against mass stereotyping with... (checks notes from Harriot’s rant)... more mass stereotyping! It’s sure to work! We learn so much when white folks do it to us.
The our street comment is so clearly meant as yours and theirs (see meaning of the word “ours”) but you are so deeply programmed…
We are soon gonna find out that calling people out for calling the police is an offense worthy of calling the police.
And of course she was crying when they finally showed up. We encourage everyone to cry and be snowflakes today.
No, that’s your own shit. Not hers.
Well said. It’s no one’s business and people need to stop bringing their personal shit to other people’s private lives.
She was a senior associate and she got to sign the pleadings, so what? She wasn’t a partner and it wasn’t her client (a quick google). So she should have told the partner she wouldn’t work on the case? I’m sure that would have gone over super well.
This anecdote posing as scholarship will not be called genius, I can assure you of that.
For the people who think this matters: it’s about you, not about Peele or Glover. This is your own shit.
Bullshit. A form of reparations is perfectly fine - she clearly meant it was a small way to repair the way that our communities have been unfairly punished for marijuana crimes. All you babies trying to make this into something else should be ashamed.
Nothing like a Monique early evening piece — something she’s been ruminating about all day and is piping to post. Nothing like that last paragraph that show’s how more time isn’t the answer to her writing issues.
Well-meaning white people don’t say “not all black people” because we taught them that “you people” is…
The solution to beating back racist bastards is not to take the unfair lumping of us into a group and then turn it back on white people in a never-ending game of “GOTCHA!” Only on this stupid blog do people think that we will rise up by encouraging petty tit-for-tat demonization. Root bait article.
We used to just call free thought lying. I don’t understand why we let conservatives rebrand their shit.
Psst. White people thought she was funny too. I live with one. Intro paragraph the kind of typical root-bait lazy writing that is more aimed at stoking hate than solving problems.