
Good on the principal and chancellor to push back against these people. Now hopefully the mayor doesn’t cave.

That old man looking motherfucker is 31??? Hate ages you so badly. Hate and, I’m guessing a diet that is 75% cheeze fries.

Oh shit you finally got something 100 percent right. Why the fuck are people just letting the cops off the hook?

Gonna throw your back out punching down this hard.

Yeah, this is great. Reinforcing the idea that we should all have our own separate spaces and not trust anyone who comes into them. That’s a great idea — it’s also once again their idea. Do you ever write something that doesn’t suggest we should have more segregation for the purpose of feelsies? Whitey would have

This was incomprehensible. Does anyone over there edit?

White people did speak up here it seems — and the police still arrested them. People are mad at a rogue starbucks manager, and she deserves most of the blame... but the fucking cops were the fucking cops as usual. They shouldn’t be arresting people in these situations. They used no common sense and the heat is wildly

This has been another tedious chapter of Punch-Down Friday! Stay tuned next week to find out which woefully painfully obviously ignorant person Michael trots out as a straw man, rather than engage in a meaningful way with people who intelligently disagree.

Oh look, another post about potato salad. That’s what, the 10th this week?

Everything is a code for white supremacy with you — mashed potatoes, parallel parking, Skyline chili. You are like Uncle Leo from Seinfeld, but white supremacy instead of Anti-Semitism.

Diversity and diversity of thought used to mean making sure that non-majority voices were given time. It still does in most settings.

Another fine example of how real progress would get in the way of Not Particularly Smart Brothers clickbait.

It also won a bunch of Emmys, so it isn’t quite invisible.

Impressed by the Root’s continued efforts to take a popular and effective movement that is not about race and turn it into something where I am supposed to feel a chip on my shoulder and question if my biracial skintone would pass the colorism test you are hell-bent on applying to these heroic kids.

If you voted third party because the Democrats were not perfect magical creatures, this is the shit you deserve.

Being biracial and having heard horrendously racist shit from non-biracial non-white people, I can tell you that entire premise of this article, contempt for that blond bitch with the gun in her box aside, is totally bullshit. We can jerk ourselves off all we want to the idea that because we were oppressed we can’t be

Is it low-hanging fruit day at the Root?

A fine example of reading something sinister into something based on a bad headline (which the author didn’t write — that’s what happens at professional reporting outlets) and not based on the content. Look I expect that kind of shit from Twitter (where no one reads anything but the headline and no one can write 280

Because they’re Republicans.

In what fucked up world do you get props for correcting something that you knew nothing about (but felt more than qualified to write about) and then still leave in the screed calling Doug Jones shit? Oh right, you don’t really care about bank policy, you just need to ride your hobby horse. This article was never about

Wasn’t the Civil Rights Movement “protest appropriation” — isn’t any successful movement aside from the one from your bowels that lead to your comment “protest appropriation”?