I feel the PS4 is still a better console but all these features are making the XBOX one a console apart from the generic console out there. XBOX one is doing a great job!
I feel the PS4 is still a better console but all these features are making the XBOX one a console apart from the generic console out there. XBOX one is doing a great job!
perfect for all your back road lesbian activties
Woo! I want some Scalebound, Quantum Break, Crackdown and (most importantly) Tomb Raider gameplay!
Did you re-calibrate your speedo? That doesn’t sound right at all for 40” tires...
Guillermo Rigondeaux—El Chacal, or The Jackal—is by far the greatest fighter in the world today.
Played it for YEARS!
Dude. This was a spoiler? Shit, this could have been reported a week ago. Here, I’mma spoil the next six Rousey fights for you:
I pre-ordered mine at Gamestop to get the exclusive plaid shift knob.
That and most peoples phones will probably lock itself after X amount of time. For a fast paced action game having to unlock a device to interact with the game won’t work overly well. If the phones not locking then it’s using up battery at a rapid rate keeping that screen on and the app syncing which will all serve to…
You need a 4.0L for your Jeep, as god intended.
Agreed. Anybody who whines about this is an idiot or an Xbox fanboy (but that’d be kind of redundant)
Don’t forget the final drive ratio - more RPM is a also good thing because it allows you to take advantage of final drive gearing. The same car with a 2.73 vs. 3.55 vs. 4.11 final drive will feel and perform radically different on the street based on what set of gears are in it. Power at the wheels, with traction, is…
Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far you moved the wall after you hit it.
That... that was the first time I’ve seen that.
I have never watched that. Omg my sides are hurting from laughing.
Knowing about this video made Ant-Man that much better.