Bro Broseph

12 upvotes, there can be no more.

"You had my curiosity. Now you have my erection."

As hit and miss as the AV Club has been this year compared to years past, the hope for an occasional review like this (on par with Ignatiy's fantastic Cannes' coverage) is what will keep me coming back here on a daily basis.

Cool story indeed.

I felt the same during the finale—and had the idea maybe Hitler himself, at some crucial point during his rise in the 1930s, walked backward up the trunk and saw outcomes of his success or failure in WWII, only use that foresight to walk the branch that led to victory. Thus the literal Man in the High Castle is the

Am I the only one under the impression that both John Smith and Joe Blake are native-born Americans? IIRC, we don't know much of Joe Blake's backstory with his father yet, whether his father was German or American. As for John Smith, he obviously fought in the US (Cincinnati?) on the side of the Nazi's, but it's

This is an ostensibly great list.

'Averroes Search'

Bro I believe it was in a recent NYT Sunday Book Review about Rushdie's new novel 2y8m28nights (which add up to 1,001 nights—don't know how that wasn't mentioned in the AVclub review) which said that Salman Rushdie's father was so in to Averroes that he made his last name Rushdie in honor of Averroes's Arabic name

??? Is that a Simpsons quote? What's with the shade, bro? I always appreciate Mohamed TM's reasonable perspective, even if I disagree or have no idea what anime this or that he talking about. Care to elaborate on the 'fuck off'?

So says the bro whose greatest contribution to the art world is a straight up word for word copy of the quixote.