You know, just for a second there, I honestly thought K-9 was smoking.
You know, just for a second there, I honestly thought K-9 was smoking.
I have a soft spot for that song just for the sheer amount of variations they recorded of it, ranging from the uninspired “Whoomp! Addams Family! (There It Is)”, to the surprisingly self-aware “Whoomp! (There It Went)”.
discovers the gene that makes a person an asshole
Ah hah! You’re where all my pot went!
Malcolm X: Days of Future Past
Queen 2: The Search For More Money
Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth and Elizabeth: The Golden Age?
Given how historically accurate the film was, they might as well just go for broke in the next one and have it be about Brian May inventing a time machine, so they can have all sorts of excellent and/or bogus adventures.
“or it would be about the surviving members’ uncanny ability to continue making money off of his legacy”
Has it been so long that people forget it was crab juice?
True. In a later episode (Bart Sells His Soul), Bart even jokes about it, saying a soul is “ just something parents made up to scare children, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.” So it’s not like they didn’t think it was possible he was guilty way back in 1995.
Looks like my DVD set with this episode just skyrocketed in value
the details were much less widely known and discussed.
There are plenty of episodes of network television that have been shelved without fanfare, press releases or virtue signaling. The guy’s been dead almost a decade. He was first accused 25 years ago. Don’t pat yourselves on the back too much.
That’s about the only context I could see this seeing the light of day again, as a media artifact to be examined and discussed within its historical context. Simple completionism isn’t going to justify the backlash.
People always roll out Song Of The South as the worst evidence of racism in Disney’s vaults and seem to forget that Disney kept on re-releasing Peter Pan with this blatantly WTF moment in it without batting an eye.
I saw Song of the South in the theaters back in the early 80s when I was young. I’m curious how many people have actually seen it? This is by no means a, “if you haven’t seen it, you don’t know” defense. It’s been out of the public sphere for so long, I am legitimately curious the number of people that have actually…
How are you trying to make a basic announcement controversial?