Neil Nevins

I can’t be the only person with a story like this: I have a co-worker, a born-again christian, who won’t let her young children watch anything that’s not G-rated (and even then she checks those christian web sites to see if a movie’s message lines up). But every single Easter, she gathers her family together (which by

Funny, I made a similar mistake when I took a date to Watchmen. Dr. Manhattan wasn't the only one with blue balls that night.

I’m not Catholic/Evangelical (though I do identify as Christian,) and I didn’t like the stuff that was interpolated into the passion itself from non-Biblical sources (I read the relevant passages of the Gospels afterwards just to compare events.)

So you took your date to a Christian movie and expected to get laid? 

My history professor called it “the Jesus Chainsaw Massacre.”

That story could have ended a lot worse. Been reading too many articles about Leaving Neverland and am now warped.

I saw The Passion at age 14 when my Catholic high school bussed the entire student body over to the movie theater to watch it the day after it premiered. Because I was already an atheist and also a wannabe anti-authoritarian punk, I thought it would be funny if I loaded up on snacks and made a running MST3K style

Oh, dude, I thought this was going to be an entry in Age Of Heroes for a second and I got really confused.

Yeah, but what have the Romans ever done for us!?

Flubbed the landing there. Should have concluded with “the only person who got nailed that night was on-screen.”

The Passion is basically anti-Semitic, Jesus torture porn. 

I tend to see movies just to see what the hullabaloo is about.  This one was pretty much ‘Saw’ for the evangelicals.

I remember Roger Ebert saying that this movie was proof that there’s no way that the MPAA would ever give a movie an NC-17 rating for violence (as opposed to sex, of course).

This is a really great piece and one that I can relate to a lot.

The Rotten Tomatoes fresh rating is not a good indicator of a film’s quality, specifically because it’s an aggregate based strictly on whether they see the review as a thumbs up or thumbs down. If every single critic thought the movie was serviceable and worth seeing, but not actually that great (so a C+/B- kind of

Does it really matter? IV’s only one guy.

Croc was alive. Remember? He got BET in his prison cell! Which was the one thing he wanted for participating in the mission, and because David Ayer can’t write a character of color unless they’re the broadest stereotype in the history of cinema.

With James Gunn and now Idris Elba this might be a case of where the sequel is 100 times better than the original.

But he sure likes letting us know how much more intelligent he is than us stupid Marvel fans!

I know, it’s a huge bore when someone keeps endlessly expressing the same well-worn thought.