Neil Nevins

Yeah, I’ll be honest....I question the sanity of anyone who makes 5 hours of video critiquing a 2.5 hour movie.


Can’t wait for all the poignancy, feels, and relatable depression that will once again be a massively cathartic event.

To these ends, we pledge our merchandise, our honor, and our wallets”

Good.  I hope he rots in hell for what he did to his kids. 

::sniffling::  He’s beating angels now.

you phrasing it as ‘withholding your money’ is just as grandiose and lame. not going to a movie didn’t used to be a thing you had to proclaim with a paragraph.

imagine how satisfied this dude felt making this and putting it up? it’s pathetic.

“Notorious child abuser dead at 89.”

Glad to see he is finally steppin’ out of this I doing this right?

Haweye and his wife toil away at the farm; one of the kids becomes friends with a rat; another kid falls off a horse; Natasha shows up for dinner.

Rot, motherfucker. 

By all accounts, he pushed his children extremely hard

“I can’t communicate how pleased I would be if they made a movie with no fighting, no super hero battles, and no super lasers. Just a simple, family drama for two hours.”

We do not take this course lightly.

A steamy erotic thriller starring Black Widow and The Hulk. Directed by Gaspar Noé.

This is, without hyperbole, the most significant written statement since the Declaration of the Rights of Man or Luther’s 95 Theses.  

This sounds like a nice palate cleanser after Infinity War. I thought the first movie was as underrated, as it was the blue collar brother of the MCU. Rudd is always likable and I’ve been an Evangeline Lilly fan since LOST.

Be free!

China is the big loser here—no more funny, no more hunny.