Am I less a feminist because I think Daenerys is the epitome of clueless liberal white privilege, and has little regard for anyone other than herself?
Am I less a feminist because I think Daenerys is the epitome of clueless liberal white privilege, and has little regard for anyone other than herself?
Wow, “even if the facts weren’t the facts this would be true” is always a great place to begin.
Dany has been squawking about the throne since day one, and she deserves it after the sucker punch of learning that she’s been fucking her nephew who is technically the one who “belongs” in the seat, thanks to the arcane laws of Westeros.
OMG stop citing sexism as the reason for his precedence! Jon is first in line because he’s Rhaegar’s kid, not because he’s a boy! Jon is Prince William, and Dany’s Prince Edward.
Rich, entitled a-holes of any race should not be allowed to fake a hate crime and disparage people of any other race without repercussions.
Someone did pay the price: the taxpayers. ;)
Thor: Ragnorok is fantastic, but I do feel like it overcompensates a bit too much in parts. There’s a stretch in the middle where every single sincere moment gets immediately diluted by a joke, as if the movie is afraid to believe in its own story. The jokes are mostly great but it gets tiresome after a while, and…
Thor Ragnorak’s humor was too over the top for my liking. I liked what they did with Thor, for the most part but overall the movie was just so silly that I couldn’t really enjoy it. I particularly dislike how comical Bruce Banner has become. It’s like all the doom-y grit of him from Avengers has been lost so that he’s…
Yeah - I thought Taika handled the action well...except for literally every scene with Hela.
It’s funny the different reactions that over-the-top scene in Wonder Woman can provoke. For me, the appropriation of that First World War trope for a superhero Crowning Moment of Awesome just made my brain start screaming ‘WRONG WRONG WRONG’.
It’s interesting that the “other things” section makes it abundantly clear that while 2017 had several much BETTER superhero movies than WW - which I largely think, I’m sorry to say, is relatively mediocre in terms of plotting, writing, and acting (and CGI), although it has some VERY good scenes (Gadot’s “Christopher…
No. We know what happened. Everyone knows what happened. And if he does come forward and admits it. Where is all the apologies. Hypocrites. Everyone on these sites.
Glad I kept my mouth shut about this for weeks.
He’s only trash cause he got caught. Last week he was a champion.
The virtue of victimhood.
As someone who grew up talking MBTI at the dinner table, I can tell you that every online test is crap. You should get typed by someone who is licensed to do so.
It wouldn’t be unreasonable for Blum to hire someone with these credentials, but it does feel unreasonable to be mad at him for not doing so.
It also makes sense he wouldn’t trust millions of dollars to someone who has only directed a bunch of horror shorts or a low-budget or ultra low-budget film. Katie assumes a guy with the same resume as the people on her list would just get thrown the keys and told to go nuts.
Blumhouse makes money by making inventive movies on a modest budget and a tight schedule that consistently turn a profit so it only makes sense he’d use existing approved scripts that already project a ballpark budget to hand to a proven director rather than gamble on an amateur director and ask them to cough up a…
Now that colorism and whitewashing is affecting black men, watch how niggas are about to be OUTRAGED.