Staley's Optometrist

I’m going to be pissed if he comes out of the cave, sees his shadow, and gives us six more weeks of LeBronWatch.

Apparently you did. 3 million times.

To all those on the left who placed your precious deological purity above the greater long term good of hundreds of millions of people who are now going to have their lives viciously attacked by this regressive SCOTUS, for perhaps a decade or longer...........We salute you:

“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie

Wondering if separating “tender age” children from their parents for 8-10 hours per day in daycare for 5 years has any lasting affects? Those kids cry, too.

I think you mean, in the original film Danny Ocean is played by Frank Sinatra.


Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?

Be Best be stupid. Be Best be making grammatical mistakes. Be Best could have been “Be Your Best” pretty easily, but Be Dumb is what the Trump Administration Be About.

Truly the Trump Steaks of law schools

“Those statements caused harm to the reputation and character of Judge Moore and also to his wife Kayla, lowered their standing in the community and discouraged members of the community from associating with them,” the suit said.

Saying you’re not homophobic or even genuinely not being homophobic doesn’t equal supporting gay rights. Plenty of people who “don’t have a problem with gay people” think same sex couples should be satisfied with civil unions and there’s nothing wrong with a bakery refusing to make them a cake.

Seriously, we’d be so much better off if the entirety of the WH press corps was replaced by the Parkland kids.

Dear Little Guy,

Where are their bones? There are no bones. It’s like they just walked off the edge of the Earth and vanished.

“We live in a very toxic environment politically, particularly around issues of the environment,”

I assume it looks like this...

Vikings have a long tradition of marrying themselves to cousins.