Didn’t stick the landing...Bummer.
Didn’t stick the landing...Bummer.
Kick. Rocks. Gina.
I never understood the appeal of Boston Market.
There still are Green Burritos around at some Carl’s Jr. locations - Quite a few actually in Southern California.
Ha. You win this Friday!
What is...Going on with this shit stain’s hair?
Plus, she was given an opportunity to publicly walk-back her xTwitter posts and likes by Disney and Lucas Film and she declined.
Smoke an mirrors - Or plain stupidity; either way, what a colossal waste of time and effort. Don’t these oxygen thieves realize that the title of the first Article of Trump’s Second Impeachment was “ARTICLE I: INCITEMENT OF INSURRECTION.”
Other big-ticket donors were reportedly spooked by the extreme book ban and abortion laws DeSantis backed, specifically to court the increasingly hard-right Republican base. (To that, I say, why are you a Republican donor in the first place???)
Cool, cool - Another loyal foot soldier for the Sea Org. L. Ron Hubbard must be thrilled!
Seriously. I was reading this thinking the same dang thing.
Poor Mr. Two Scoops.