Absolutely nothing. Most respectable coffee countries don't serve drip coffee because that process destroys the taste of the bean. Americanos taste much better.
Absolutely nothing. Most respectable coffee countries don't serve drip coffee because that process destroys the taste of the bean. Americanos taste much better.
Really, because when I looked up the douchebag word of the day that is what google told me it is called...vietnamese iced coffee. I bet you go into starbucks and actually order a venti instead of a medium. Besides based on the ingredients it is absolute shit and you are a moron. Espresso is #1 but Americano is last...…
I think an Electric Drip Coffee Maker is a good one. I own a Technivorm but the Bonavita at 1/2 the price is still steep for most people at $150. Especially considering that in that price range, other more inferior coffee pots have way more bells and whistles. Bottom line, if you care about how your coffee tastes, but…
I agree. I don't understand the statement "I hate kids". However that same person would never say "I hate black people", or "I hate women". But somehow saying "I hate kids" is OK and everyone glosses over it.
I hate kids. I've hated kids since I was a kid. As I've grown up (I'm 26 now), they can be barely ok in small doses once they're old enough to talk, but as a rule I still hate them. I give them evil stares in the grocery store when the parents aren't looking. I cringe when someone on Facebook posts pictures of their…
I bet it's one of those "We'll donate 5% until we get to x amount!" deals that almost every company does. It makes me want to say, "Why don't you just donate x amount, rather than making it into a sales push?"
well researched and written. gnar. If I ever meet Money, though, you are a hack and this was a hatchet job. You're a monster.
Adam Silver is a good fucking commissioner. When was the last time we could say the Big 4 in sports had at least one good commissioner?
Look, this weirdo waltzed into Belmont Park yesterday morning assuming that the race itself was a mere formality. That alone indicates that he is a nitwit and a moron, as anyone who knows anything about the history of the Belmont Stakes can tell you that it's broken the TC dreams of many horses who were every bit as…
Pussy-ass bullshit! If this was the NHL finals, they'd have just cranked the heat up another 10 degrees in the arena and gone straight into game 2. They'd have played it swimming in the melted ice, with skates and uniforms on, and they'd never get cramps even if they had a big snack between games.
Kilometer (or Kilometre here in Canada
That's quite an impassioned response to a bad joke.
As a proud Canadian, I wish the U.S the best of luck and good health in today's contest
If you were a 32 year old in high school there would probably be some other issues. But given this comment it appears you still have the mind of a child.
When I read posts like these I am hit with a range of emotions.
First, I am angry. I am angry that assholes like you exist. Angry that there are people so hateful and depraved that our most innocent and vulnerable -children- are targets of their ire.
Then I am overcome with sadness. I think to myself that the only way…
Have all the issues you want, just keep them to yourself, they're not going to change the situation and all you're doing is telling a frustrated and tired parent that you're upset with them. In all likelihood you'll make the situation worse for yourself. Taking issue with a screaming child is like taking issue with…
FYI: PE means "Professional Engineer", which is a very serious qualification.