
No way I’m willingly giving up my 10mm.  I prefer to lose it on my own...

Not sure who posted this originally, I had saved a screenshot a long time ago.

There is no way that EX37 can be called a wagon. It’s a crossover/cvu/svu thing, definitely not a wagon.

If you enjoyed that book, you should check out King of Hearts. Fascinating look at how surgeons first started doing open heart surgery.

I’d have to rob a bank first, but... Alpina B5 Touring

Agreed. I often wish I had idrive in my e91, then have to remind myself how poorly some of those things age. Ultimately glad I don’t have it...

If they made it in Wagon form...maybe.

For a story about cars, could you not have at least specified what kind of wagon he had? A “BMW station wagon” is pretty damn vague. Signed - A BMW Wagon Fan

Sorry, what? No, there is pretty simple formula for converting, and 24.0C is actually 75.2F, not “75.6 or 75.7.” Apparently math is difficult for you, thats ok. It’s not for everyone. As for 13C? That actually converts to exactly 55.4F. (C * 9/5) + 32=F, or conversely (F -32) * 5/9 = C. There is no “variance.”

In your bumper to bumper logo, where’s the E63? Looks like the Cadillac wagon in there, but no love for the Merc (my lottery car)?

Couldn’t agree with you more. Sounds very much like my situation - my wife thought it was a sound decision as it was a “station wagon” and good for the family. Mine’s a ‘10, and though I sometimes think I could use a little more room still, I don’t plan on giving it up anytime soon. Admittedly a tight fit across the

How hard is it to differentiate between brake and break? Maybe you should “put the brakes” on publishing your article until you find someone to proofread first?

It’s not a waste if it gives them a chance, is it? My son has HLHS, and we’ve met a number of other families during our time in hospital that have the same. The ones that went home right away, as they weren’t diagnosed until days later, always had more complications. How is it a waste if they at least know something

You had more patience than I. I spent a month looking for a lot of what you were, gave up and got a black on black without nav that was at the dealership as a CPO. Still couldn’t be happier.

I know exactly where they are - in my car.

Uh oh, that Greyhound just got in an accident. Is your life not worth taking the time to walk instead?

So there’s zero reason for you to leave your kid in your car - good for you, that’s a personal choice. Your blanket statement assumes it’s the same for every single person out there in the world. I’d rather leave my kid in the car to run into the gas station when it’s -30c outside and nice and warm in the car. Cars

I don’t get what your dad being a retiree has to do with the story...

(‘84?) Scirocco. I love that car. I wish I still had mine, had a beautiful silver one I had bought in 1997 with only 80,000km on it, then my girlfriend wrote it off when she ran a red light...