
My husband I are ex-JWs. His father is very distrusting of doctors and his brother (an *elder* in Florida who is giving the Memorial talk this year, lest you write him off as inactive/a “flake”) is a nurse, along with his wife. They both caught COVID earlier in the pandemic at work. Now that the vaccine is available,

“He’s a musical genius, but if I asked him to make a fake ID, he would have no idea how to do that

Uh, correct. That’s why he’s charged with bribing somebody else to do it.  You’re...not helping your client as much as you think?

+1 for Fluke, a truly bizarre movie that also features Samuel L. Jackson as both a dog and a squirrel.

Don’t think a dog takes the witness stand at a trial in Fluke, though. That happens in Doctor Dolittle (1967), a film I rewatched recently that was also way, waaaaaay more bizarre than I originally remembered from my

I am incapable of moving my eyebrows independently of one another. So I cannot raise a brow to convey a healthy dosage of scorn, skepticism, or seduction. I just appear blank/confused/surprised because I can only raise both brows together. I’ve tried teaching myself, holding up a brow manually to train the muscles,

It was “The Chair”. And despite being godawful by every possible metric (and being just an unbearable asshole to everyone throughout the competition), he won because the winner was selected by online vote rather than by judges, and he has a YouTube following of millions of teenyboppers he could just tell “go vote for

She has unfortunately already been identified publicly because her trash “parents” reported her missing, went on TV, and splashed her name/face all over national news. Then she was found and all of this came out. It’s extremely unfortunate that her name is now known, but hopefully somebody will use that information to

My boyfriend was an extra on a movie set with Elizabeth Banks and said she was over-the-top rude and complainy the entire time, so maybe your dislike is justified! (But then, Russell Crowe was also in this movie and was allegedly super laid-back and friendly to everyone, and this is a guy who throws phones at people,

Natasha McElhone says her character was informed by #MeToo, he replies:

Samuel L. Catson?  This is our (female) cat’s unofficial name, but she was a stray for so long before we took her in, she really only responds to “kitty” or “hey, cat”.