BrittneyAngel2010 .

Did anyone else notice the similarities between the season 3 premiere and the season 1 pilot?

1) Salem has lower ratings because it is hard to watch. The channel it is on is not commonly a part of most TV packages and it can no longer be seen on Hulu.
2) Your idea that 'copious nudity' is the only way a show can survive may be true for you personally but you assume that all people have the IQ of a rock and

I have read a lot comments about people condemning Finn and some even praising the grounders while condemning. I have to wonder WTF is wrong with people. So we are suppose to get all upset that Finn killed innocent grounders but suppose to not care about all the innocent 'sky people' the grounders have killed for no

I have read so many comments about people condemning Finn and some even praising the grounders while condemning. I have to wonder WTF is wrong with people. So we are suppose to get all upset that Finn killed innocent grounders but suppose to not care about all the innocent 'sky people' the grounders have killed for no

I have read so many comments about people condemning Finn and some even praising the grounders while condemning Finn. I have to wonder WTF is wrong with people. So we are suppose to get all upset that Finn killed innocent grounders but not suppose to care about all the innocent 'sky people' the grounders have killed

I know that 'Sleepy Hollow' has gone down hill but I want to strongly urge fans to NOT give up on the show. Give the writers a chance to fix things. Too many good shows hit a rough patch and do not get a chance to rebound because fans abandon ship…networks are too eager to cancel shows that start to drop in ratings.