
*doesn’t know how KINJA works*

Drunk enough to not understand what this story was about - until I took a sip of my 3 day old glass of water by my bedside... Damnit

Time to go eat and drink

Thank you

Dying more at the responses to this. Writing from my grave atm

I take solo trips as often as a NYC working man can - it's quite funny to me that when doing so, American solo lady travelers and I avoid one another like the plague when it comes to sexy time and the seeking of a kinky night.

Are you the woman that called into the LI newspaper angrily contesting that their is spelled "thier"?

...whites have slaughtered minorities, and there's no reason to believe they won't continue to do so."

But did he hit?

“Nevertheless” = swept under the fucking rug.

300 Meters in 1 minute?? 3 lengths of an (American) football field? I'm relatively fit and certainly could not do that... is that printed correctly?

He definitely hit

What a pussy...

I live in NY

$9+ for a 6-pack??


Via timely irony, I'm visiting home for a couple days and with the obligatory picture digging with Mema, etc., I uncovered this shoddy pic of Hacksaw - along with a few of Andre and Magnum P.I. (NC circa '89)

Why would Rubio jab after that soft left stationary cross in the first place?

Lol how many ppl went to IG and searched her, only to be bummed that it's a private acct? Lol

Jerks Dick Out Kid: CLIFFS NOTES on Jerry Sandusky's life