
Not going to directly respond to the OP in this thread, but religion should ideally be a matter of empowering people through faith, not about oppressing its followers and casting judgment on those that don’t espouse the same beliefs. To compare the Duggars church to Emmanuel AME is fallacious bullshit.

Florida is spreading.... we need a vaccine....

When you give rights to the minority, you take rights away from the majority—-simple logic.

See also: Cuban boots.

Now playing

Great counter-point. Although, to be pedantic, Trump is best described as having the fine golden hair of a cartoon rich person:

It occurs to me that some men think sex is always on the woman’s terms because the men ask for things and the women get to say yes or no. But the men don’t get to say yes or no because women frequently don’t ask for anything. It’s not that women don’t want anything; it’s just that our patriarchal society conditions

My favourite is ‘Short men don’t have heels; ugly men don’t have make up; stupid men can’t be blonde’. You can. Really. Nothing is stopping you apart from your own rigid, bullshit, binary conceptions of gender. Even so, fuck you.

Can I just say that I’ve literally never heard of a man who wants sex being called “desperate.” That word is usually reserved for women who have the nerve to pursue men they’re interested in dating.

God, women get raped at a disproportionately higher rate than men and its like, what about us? why is no one raping us? Am I not rapeable?!?!

Embarrassment? Cry me a rivah. If rape victims have to have their sexual/ medical/ mental/ social/ etc. histories published and scrutinized by the public, then rapists should have to as well.

The only “Watcher” who matters.

UUUUGGGGGHHH I’ve been boycotting United since I flew home early once from my sick father’s hospital bed so that I could attend an important meeting, they lost my luggage, and then didn’t return it to me until more than 24 hours later even though the delivery guy said he had it all that time and could have delivered

WHAT????????? That is crazy. I would have expected a free adult beverage at least. That must have been so gross for you to find!!! Ewww.

Oh noooooo..... I’ve found food wrappers and dirty tissues, etc in the seat back pocket, but VOMIT?? JFC.

her smile says she concedes the point.

My cat, who once opened a microwave oven while the popcorn was popping, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once destroyed a floor-to-ceiling lamp with her butt, has more self-control than the caramel lady.

My cat, who once fell off a bookshelf at 3 AM only to land butt-first on my face (catass

I always want to believe, when I read these, that one of these nightmare customers - like the OpenTable quartet of evil or Frau Frappuchino - read BCO and recognize themselves and then shrivel up into little balls of karma and die. (But not until outing themselves here so that their awfulness can be fully explored.)

The woman didn’t order anything for her kid, but instead ate the treat greedily in front of him.