
I don't know why he didn't just say "sorry, I misspoke." It is so easy, friend!

""It's feminine in the sense… It's amazing how you took that as an insult," he said."

You guys!! I wished really hard that this wasn't real AND IT CAME TRUE!!!! You're welcome!

A lot of them are cheap as hell! The drinks may be week, but you're getting as many as you can drink in a 2-hour period! When you spend Saturday night paying 10 bucks a pop for a dixie cup of ice water and rubbing alcohol, Sunday morning(ish) brunch is like the city's way of apologizing and wrapping a warm blanket

The internet is making me sad today.

Oh my god.

No. I was being completely serious. No man has ever gotten drunk and fought another man at a sporting event. You are delusional if you believe otherwise. You should consider psychiatric treatment, because you imagine things to be that aren't actually real.

"I'm not a bigot! I'm not bi-anything! That's fucking disgusting!"

"That Model" was his at the time girlfriend who he had been in a relationship for quite some time.

I agree with this photo.

I think the expat's friend is acting pretty inappropriately, and boundaries need to be set, but damn, calling her a "batshit harpy", a "wackjob", and comparing her to a serial killer really rubbed me the wrong way. There has to be some room for women to act badly - and, especially, to handle their own emotional needs

I don't know, it's a family member, he probably has reservations about that

Burns is so mad at Reilly, he might Sioux.

Thanksgiving at the Reilly house is going to be awkward on so many levels this year

Which is why the wishes of each individual should be taken into account. This girl clearly states she is not ready to have a child. That's what should matter here. It is her body and her emotional and physical well-being that are going to be affected. What is forcing her to continue with a pregnancy going to do? How

The victim shaming in the comments to this story were disgusting and should be embarrassing to us as a community. How a commenter can call themselves a feminist in one breath and then dismiss a woman's account of being raped in the next because she's a 'fame whore' are more telling to me about the hypocrisies in our

Loving the comments on this article. So great to see women who claim to be feminists or at least to care about women's rights calling Madonna a liar. They're taking about her Sex book, her stage performances, her persona, her attention seeking behaviour. I'm so glad that all that means she must be lying! She couldn't

I will join the group not comfortable with dismissing her account out of hand. From what actually seems to be the first mention of the rape in the media (NME 12-2-1995). I say this because Madonna claims in the interview that she has never mentioned it before.

Yes. But really she should allowed to be both if she wants to.

I think that belief persists because if someone is rejected by a woman they can always fall back on the idea that she wasn't rejecting them so much as she was an awful gold-digger and she rejected them because they weren't powerful or rich enough for her. When really they were rejected because they were a skeeve or an