
That's they only time the user of females doesn't make me cringe

Can't we just blame game of thrones?

I always like to say "female what?" And then proceed to list off a bunch of animals (female giraffe, female crab, etc)

Reading that letter grossed me out. Like maybe don't call your stepdaughter "hot" or a "perfect female specimen"???? I'd be curious about how his wife would react

I felt the same way when I saw that scene!

the break didn't really feel that short to me, but maybe that's just because there's only a couple other summer shows that are out right now that I watch.

Did he? I honestly didn't even notice, but I also haven't seen the finale since it came out.

the fact that he's had more than one sex scene is a blessing to us all

i was gonna say that people could just watch CSA. It's probably still on netflix

I had to read that twice to make sure I didn't misread it

Hot Fuzz
Shaun of the Dead
Scott Pilgrim - I read the series before seeing the movie and it's pretty spot-on up until the second half (plus the series is in the span of over a year and the movie condensed that down to a couple weeks)
World's End
Baby Driver - Saw it today. I liked it, but definitely didn't love it. Still

Last night I was trying to figure out where I knew her from since I hadn't seen any of the stuff the article listed, but this morning I was like "She's the at&t girl!" That's definitely a face you don't forget.

I don't think he's that uggo, he's a pretty average looking guy

She could be playing a young mom. Shaliene woodley played a mom in big little lies and she's 25!

I agree that Black widow/hulk did not work at all and felt extremely forced. I have a ton of issues with age of Ultron, but they definitely take the cake

a female character can be all those things and still be into girls? My post was also pure speculation too and we won't know anything until the writers a love interest (hoping there's a season 2)

so for some of that 13%, it tastes like soap?

In the show the "male lesbian" calls themselves Lisa and definitely has some body dysmorphia toward their own genitalia that the woman he/she sleeps with pretty much ignores. So far they're only in season 1, but i'm convinced that if the show started airing today, they would be considered a pre-op trans woman.

I've been watching The L Word and am currently on season two.

i didn't realize how much i missed this show until i watched this premiere this morning.