
Wouldn't be surprised if Dan used the DENNIS system

"I've been standing here the whole time, ma'am, just in case i'm in the painting" I love Richard

I've been having Hard Times by Paramore on repeat. It's such a fun upbeat song about experiencing depression.

When i rewatched community i only watched 1 or 2 episodes of season 4 and that was it.

I'd think so. Plus i'd say it's more like 2/3 thriller 1/3 horror. There's a lot of suspense that builds up over the course of the film.

It's not, but james cameron is desperate for it to be one again

Doesn't help that The Soup was actually fun to watch.

I just remember not liking him because he's really smug looking, then he later told a heckler that he hoped she'd get raped and that just solidified it for me.

Nina's attitude this week was so bad. Not everyone got the role the role they wanted.
Sad to see that Eureka's gone, but at least she'll hopefully come back for season 10.
I don't get the Kylie critique. I think Farrah did an okay job considering that Kylie doesn't really come off as having much of a personality to

Even though I broke up with my ex last month, I know I'm not ready for my first post-breakup hookup/date. I don't know how long it's been since your ex broke up with you, but it's good you're putting yourself out there!

Tucker Carlson is the Jonah Ryan of newscasters.

As someone who grew up with a parent that watched him everyday until I was in high school, this makes me so fucking happy

It looked like the owl hit the back of her head on accident

"is there something wrong with your face?"

I don't like Meghan Trainor either, but she never claimed to be a feminist

my mom watched season 1 on netflix without realizing that it had any connection to brba. I know brba isn't up her ally since they've shown some graphic violent scenes (not a lot, but enough)

It was a more innocent time

His breakdown during Dan's interview was one of the funniest things i've seen in a while.

didn't she say at the end of last season that she had gotten some sort of job with a wine company?

I watched the first episode of the mst3k revival yesterday and so far so good. Not even the rap song threw me off! I'm probably gonna watch some more episodes today. I really wish they could get the rights to do Night of the Lepus. That movie would be perfect for mst3k!