
does anyone else find it weird that the belchers used real eggs for the easter egg hunt? it was a good episode, but i can't get past that.

i wasn't a big fan of her in season 8. so while i wasn't surprised that she came back, i'm not super happy about it. you could say her saying cucu is driving us cucu

AND they were in Archie's bedroom too (if i remember correctly) which makes it funnier/weirder since Archie storms out of his own bedroom, leaving Valerie alone in there.

i 100% agree, they're really not utilizing her at all (and she's gorgeous too)

maybe alice is pro-life?

At least Archie isn't all mopey like james was. Like Archie's boring, but he was boring in the comics too (from what i remember). Whenever James was on screen, my eyes would roll to the back of my head.

i assumed it was vermont because of the maple syrup stuff. PLUS it's on the canadian border and FD did time there?

I think it could just be the Coopers in general. I mean Hal definitely has some sort of mental health issue too.

Now he's a pretty man. He can get it as easily as 90s him.

yeah, but he also played lacrosse (even if he was on the bench a lot, at least he did go to the practices) so i can let that slide

even crazy, maple syrup legacy obsessed mr.cooper?

did anyone else find this funny?

When I was watching this episode last night I had to pause it when I saw Chris Brown. What the fuck were they thinking!?! Fuck Chris Brown

"how tall are you?"
"6'8 on roller skates"
"And without the roller skates"
"…I don't know"

is it weird that i really dig this?

that's what i'm hoping for too! But after binging that show a couple weeks ago, I want almost every competition show to be like great british bakeoff

I didn't have issues with it, but they definitely overdid it.

she came in with that puppet like it was a security blanket

so far my favorites are nina, peppermint, and maybe eureka.

i don't know. one of hte things i liked about mst3k was that everyone was relatively unknown. Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt aren't that.