Britta Bot

They were all together except Luke in Empire. In TLJ Finn runs off with new character, Rey is running off with Luke and Ren, Poe is fighting with a useless Admiral and Chewie is doing literally nothing. Its a valid critique.

TFA literally follows him the entire movie. How is he not the lead?

I now understand how Harley fell in love with a maniac. I would do anything Alice told me to.

Wells is the only saving grace of this show right now. It’s amazing how the showrunners never learn their lesson after each season. Stop making this a bummer of a show to watch.

I freaking love Alice so damn much.

One of us is frustrated enough to keep trying to insult the other. Which is the one pissing their pants over a difference of opinion again?

Sounds like you're having a pretty hard time over there with my differing opinion...

Ok? Gotta be honest this one is flying right past me.

People getting so worked up over that B- comment is amazing.

“who are all these clown-ass fucks who just show up, frothing with rage, whenever Da Boiz gets any kind of critique?”

Thank you for continuing to track the comments I'm making. Makes me feel good someone cares.

You’ll never convince me it’s not all a conspiracy.

Derek? Is that you? Oh sorry confused you with someone who actually knew me. You seemed to have such a grasp on my life, got you mixed up. My bad.

I was just trying to be general, like people I work with, family, friends, acquaintances, random bar dude, next door neighbor’s dog. Like different types of people seem to like the show, I thought that was a decent point.

Holy shit that is damn impressive you got all that from two sentences. I hope your clients know that whatever they are paying you is not nearly enough, your psychiatric skills are clearly unmatched in our time.

Also pretty much everyone ever.

A B- is literally negative. The entire article reads negative. Like you’re calling it out because it’s not doing satire right, when the show does not appear to be going for satire at all. I guess I’ll just skip the articles on this show until second season hits and you guys decide it’s good like you did with Bojack.

I have yet to met someone IRL that does not like this show. But of course the AV club is going to double down on their disdain for it because they can't be wrong.

Booooooo. I hate the blue pants with no red. It looked shitty on Superman and it looks shitty here.

To be fair the entire season was over a course of two or three Hawkins days. So his focus probably wasn’t going to shift very much