
(LOLs heartily)

Now playing

I saw Xanadu and CATS when I was a child, and loved them both. (Gene Kelly and The Tubes and ONJ and cartoons in one movie? What is this magic? TS Eliot and cat poems? Well, slightly harder sell, but I’m a kid, this is my first musical, so I’m down.) I cannot say I would have embraced either with the same degree of

Cruella is definitely the most ghoulishly stylish of the Disney villains. I’ve always loved her hair. I’m just glad she never considered the possibilities of human infant leather, like a female Ed Gein.

I tweeted some support and love at her, too. Pretty sure it was drowned out by the shrieking hate-horde, sadly, but I couldn’t NOT say something to her. No one should be subjected to that kind of harassment.

It’s not hard to find examples. Ivy Bean died in 2010, aged 104, but she used Twitter via computer and was well-known.

See also legally blind people, who are capable of using social media but probably do not want a mobile phone. (Sighted people lose them easily enough, so obviously a blind person would, too, and would also have zero use for flat touch screen interfaces.)

Not just “the left.” Using ‘crazy’ as an insult is pretty culturally universal.

It literally took me longer to park my car (it was dark and rainy) than it did to vote (one person in line in front of me, four-question ballot). Presidential elections do take a BIT longer but it’s worth doing.