
Two posts in the last couple of days that are utterly retarded(this and the shocker that passwords are amongst the 600GB of data Google collected. Who knew 600GB of random data might include some passwords?)

@phijef: I'm not saying it isn't bad in of itself(the data being collected) but this story is old, old, old and has been talked about over and over again.

Yes, it's such a shock that random data collected from unencrypted wifi networks could possibly include passwords


It still won't be as good as Google Maps Navigation, which we've had for free for seven months. Oh and multitasking since we've had since day one on Android.

@jacitera: Oh come on, 11 people? More people die in Africa every day. Like it matters.

Frankly, this isn't huge. It's the minimum Apple needed to do to have a competitive phone.

@mecha2142: Actually he did. If you read the source link, not what the people who commented on the original piece said, he said an Android phone that's running at 2GHz is coming by the end of the year and it'll have everything you can possibly pack into a smart phone today.

@mecha2142: There is actually one coming. Motorola's CEO has stated that they've a 2GHz Android-based phone coming at the end of this year and Nvidia's Tegra 2 chips are seriously high-end and heading for some Android phones. So yeah, he's right.

@gapingLotus: To be perfectly honest I've only used Skype on a PC and via some mediocre third party applications for my Nexus One.

@Bubbsdaddy: Heh. I'm not interested in the iPhone, truth be told. I just like to promote products or services that I think are awesome and Skype is awesome. Have you seen how cheap those 'unlimited'(50 hours is pretty good) US & Canada plans are?

Hell no!

Clearly America only invaded Afghanistan for its lithium.