
Former VW Service Advisor here.

Have any evidence there, champ? Besides the Daily Stormer, of course. The “web site” that helped promote this little event in Charlottesville. You know, the one named after a notorious Nazi rag from the swingin’ 1930s and early 1940s that earned its publisher a death sentence at the War Crime Trials. Ring a bell? So,

The left isn’t labeling these guys Nazis. They are labeling themselves that by wearing swastikas and chanting Nazi slogans. Jesus fucking Christ

I’m all for not throwing terms like Nazi and Fascist around casually, but you do understand that we are talking about actual honest to god nazis and fascists here right?

The difference between white nationalism, black nationalism, hispanic nationalism etc... is the difference in historical context between those things.

Porsche 912 in Aga Blue, in decent conditions. I know it’s not the fastest or the best example of Porsche’s lineage and whatever. I’m in love and love doesn’t follow logic.

I believe so. I think I’d rather drink buttermilk left in the sun.

There is nothing wrong with the car.

I can tell you right now you have no future in American politics. How dare you make a statement that is the product of cool, calm, rational analysis of the situation rather than a rabid, pseudo-macho, reactionary diatribe?

There was no SOFA post 2011, that is publicly why we withdrew. I was in Iraq for all of 2011 and was one of the last high-ranging officers to depart in December of that year. I sat on a steering committee as part of the Strategic Framework Agreement team at the US Embassy in Baghdad and I can tell you that the

Or Bush could have not invaded Iraq in which case it's a safe bet there'd be no ISIS and a few thousand Americans would still be alive. You might also want to check your facts because the Status of Forces Agreement mandating the withdrawal of US forces was signed in 2008 by Bush.

F1 is the most popular motorsport in the world. Is it the right turns that you find confusing?



Then Jalopnik was acquired by Gawker media, and I saw a lot of mainstream car enthusiasts seep onto the site.

As someone who manages engineers at an aerospace company I really appreciate this post. Johnson casts a huge, well deserved shadow, over what we all do. His rules of management still make sense as well. I am a huge fan of small nimble teams over huge enterprises when you need to get something done.