
I feel no shame in using AdBlock for that shit. It’s getting a bit out of hand, given the frequency and length, and how more and more of them are unable to be skipped. If I want to watch a minute long trailer, I shouldn’t have to sit through a 2 unskippable 30 sec ads of products I don’t care or need just to get to it.

You don't need the expansion pass to get the DLC. You can buy it separately 

Overwatch 2, a game which appears to be Overwatch being sold to you again, which will apparently work with Overwatch 1 (wut), which is why Overwatch no longer gets new maps or heroes, is going to take... how long to make? Why are they doing this? This is more pointless than Destiny 2 and that was EXTREMELY pointless.

“A staggering 5 million Americans—more than the combined populations of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana—consume forty-five hours of video games per week,”

Yeah my daughter was like why'd you ban me , Im doing good this year ... Oh sweetie , I'm not that smart ...

I would have rather liked the McCree dev change his name. This video game character did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet he has to go through a name change because of what someone else did? That’s unfair.

“ make things right, he had to be honest with his team and himself.”

It’s yet to be seen if Act-Blizz will be honest with anyone. We’ll see what comes from the court case.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

I feel like this is skewed. I mean, yes the consoles sold, but how many of them have sold to scalpers trying to bleed the aftermarket dry because of supply issues. Meanwhile I can walk into any store and get a Switch probably. 

why would you pay 5$ more and loose the DLC if you ever stop paying for the expansion pack when you can just pay a flat 25 and keep it forever.

I’m still waiting for them to fix the fucking comments. 

Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit

Older games, I can understand - but encouraging the torrenting/pirating of a game one day after its’ release? For fuck’s sake.

No, no it’s not. It will sell better than the kart racing games, and it may occupy a similar position that Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid currently occupies, but there is no way you can consider a game a “Smash killer” if it is only hyped by the hardcore competitive community. Smash Ultimate didn’t sell 30 million

How in the hell is hacking (a crime) and leaking stuff illegally going to “foster more disruption and competition”?

Now playing

Oh, you know, except for their main selling point of a “beautiful vast open world!!” being an ugly, buggy, stuttery, framey, boring, soulless, grindy, immersion breaking, unfun mess of a thing that was only good in theory and horrible in execution, never really fixed, and made only a bit better by the expansion’s next

noble monsters?  well id like to react to that, but i cannot.

It’s filthy in here except magically all these sealed video games are barely dirty at all.

To be fair that’s not all they get, let’s be honest here.

I suggest Looty McLootcrate