
And then got married to a third woman 6 months after that in Australia! You can’t make this shit up.

I’ve seen a shit-tonne of dick (former sex worker) and when the penis is aroused, I couldn’t pick a circumcised penis from an uncircumcised penis 9 times out of 10. And I’m not a child.

Jesus Christ you paedophile-apologists make me sick. 

Anna Kendrick. I just find her quirky shtick and that cup game thing so cloying. And I feel like she plays vaguely the same character in everything.

What the hell? I’ve only ever seen/heard this gesture in the context of tricking people into looking at the circle so you can punch them.

Completely unrelated but he was surprisingly decent in Good Time.

James Woods, is that you? If I remember correctly, Elio is 17. In most countries 17 is above the age of consent. 

I didn’t realise they get to choose their own “intro”. I just assumed that would be their team’s influence.

I used to dip salt and vinegar potato chips in coca cola. I’m a weirdo, clearly.

When guys have asked to kiss me, it makes me feel SO awkward. I would much rather they just go in for the kiss. If you’re unsure if she’ll reciprocate, maybe try putting your hand on her back and seeing if she responds positively. I’m a 30 year old woman by the by.

Great that it worked out for you, but I would hesitate to say it’s wise for anyone to legally entangle themselves with someone they don’t know from a bar of soap. Most intimate partner violence doesn’t present within two months.

For a long-time smoker, that’s kind of surprising.

Hell I’m 30 and recently went out with a 25 year old guy who looked 21 and I couldn’t help but think he looks like a kid.

Yeah this whole thing is very confusing. Was she spiked? She doesn’t owe anyone an elaboration but I’m wondering what the channel’s role in this was...

Guaranteed Rate Field? Man, that’s pathetic even for sponsored stadium names.

But she’s not famous outside the US, whereas MJ and Sam Smith are...

Bert hasn’t actually come out of the closet and is still married, so not sure what good calling him a “closet homo” will do. Having a closeted parent doesn’t make you violent.

Until I read the article, I was like huh I didn’t realise Noah was into women. 

But Mischa was a terrible one-note actress. Lindsay had glimmers of actual talent.

I wonder if she got violent with him. That would certainly cause me to “regroup as a human being”.