
Let’s save the Nazi word unless it’s valid. But yes, the myth of the American dream is a noose around the lower classes.

Because for most people your existence isn’t just about you. It’s selfish and weak. Furthermore, suicidal thoughts are often temporary and with the proper medication and/or therapy people turn around and live happy lives.

I WANT people with suicidal thoughts to feel like it’s wrong, because sometimes that feeling

Why is being against suicide “harsh?” You’re a big fucking pussy for having such a weak ass problem with it. That better you twat?

BS. Changing the name of the condition does not change the condition, and it certainly helps no one. I have zero sympathy for anyone selfish enough to ruin the lives of their family members and friends, leaving them heartbroken and ridden with guilt for the rest of their lives. Fuck ‘em.

F that, there needs to be a stigma for suicide. Unless terminally ill, you SHOULD feel like suicide is wrong. Normalizing it is idiotic.