
Yes, because a dog* pissing on a girl (or frat boy douches pretending to hump a child for a photo op) is totally the same message as juxtaposing another statue (not even touching the original). Totally the same!

I remember when murrican patriots started calling french fries freedom fries, even tho the term is not about France. I remember idiots throwing out French wine that is better than much of ours cuz of frenchiness. I remember, idiots getting up in arms because how DARE another country have a different opinion than us.

Absolutely sickening that these women cave in to misogynistic Islamist pressure to cover their heads.

Guess what they say is true. Only the good die young.

Help, we’re being repressed!

Please don’t buy into the romanticization of the Romanovs. They were a brutal murdering crime family of half wits, who did nothing for their population.

Although I’m obviously disappointed with the NYT, I’m more disappointed with the Human Coalition. Can’t they get back to the synth-pop hitmaking that made them famous, instead of getting involved in politics? I liked “Don’t You Want Me”. I don’t want to associate it with radical right-wing political beliefs. I mean,

Ohhhh my god shutttuuppppp nobody cares about how big your military dick is America, not everything is about youuuuu.

I used to work there, and furthermore bills generally don’t mean much by themselves. They tend to say things like “in subsection 4(A), change effective January 1, 2020 to effective January 1, 2020 subject to approval by the Board as established in subsection 19(C).”

Her attitude, that many women (gasp!) hate to cook and would rather spend time doing something else, was indeed revolutionary. It was also revolutionary that she gave other women instructions on how to minimize kitchen time and served those instructions up with hilarious snark. I’m not going to criticize her for not

Yep, I love real food too. But a)I learned to cook in the seventies, and her recipes aren’t so much “bad” as “of their time”—you’d get recipes for things like this, but with more steps and more cans, in recipes for “real” cooks, and b)she baldly addresses the problem of women being expected to cook, three meals a day

Hating women. Because the GOP only does three things, lower taxes and regulations for the rich, hate women, and hate brown people. That’s it, that’s their whole platform, and they stick to it like robots.

They’re....not usually wrong though.

Just looking at that collar would make Poirot uncomfortable.

Thank YOU! That collar would make Poirot plotz!

Is his top button undone? He would never show his face in the first class or dining cars looking like that.

This! Poirot’s fussiness would never allow him to have his tie askew, or - mon dieu! - that attached collar! He was certainly still in stiff, removable (but never ever in public) collars.

You are absolutely right. Hell he still wore a pince nez into the 1950s!

My recently deceased grandmother has risen from her grave and is begging me to tell all of you that THE ONLY LEGITIMATE HERCULE POIROT IS DAVID SUCHET, ALL OTHERS ARE IMPOSTERS AND SHOULD SEE THEMSELVES OUT PROMPTLY.

Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.