
Muslim women are usually not allowed to wear anything but black since it entices men to wear color.

But only women after their menarche and before their menopause wear hijabs.

I don't feel offended. I'm glad somebody got something out of it.

His mother still prides herself on having been Elvis' live-in groupie of the week for a few months waiting in the jungle room 30 years ago, a beauty queen and had so much plastic surgery she looks like a fake doll. She's super proud of him.

Dismiss function. Use it.

When knowing that women ARE referred to as meat or material before being raped (see Strauss-Kahn) this makes it so much worse...

Yep, don't wonder about the commenters here. They've been Stepfored by the celebrity gossip.

You remind a lot of the argument between Jakob Augstein and Sounia Sihai when discussing the Sharia police in Wuppertal.

Of course. Another white feminist who doesn't give a shit about other people except for using them to demonstrate how awesomely progressive she is while letting people down cowardly.

Of course not.

If you are actuall British you are more than willfully ignorant.

Because not blaming the parents illustrates that you have little knowledge of the circumstances that caused this to happen in the first place.

Well, that is not right entirely. According to Islam men are only robotic walking dicks raping anything that gets in their way as long as that anything that gets in their way is menstruating. Girls who are not menstruating and women after menopause are excempted from veiling themselves as not to entice men to rape

It still doesn't make any sense whatsoever to me. Especially if I assume that you are a woman?

You do realize that the world your daughter lives in and the world these girls live in have no connection? They know very well what their daughters do in every aspect of their lives except for their actions online.

Why not? Do you have any idea what kind of communities these girls grow up in?

The majority of posters here don't really seem to know much about the circumstances this happens in. In just about all of those cases the parents are the ones who groomed their children for this.

I read the online forums that these girls get indoctrinated in. Believe me, they rant about the evil West that forces them to leave the house to go to school or go shopping for groceries when a good Muslim woman should never leave the house and if so being accompanied by her owner.

That makes no sense. Why would you admire somebody like that?

No sexual education class?