
Also "material"

My brother eats like that and my father and I have had discussion about gently trying to inform him that it is not good for his love life. Every time he eats I have to think of the guy in A Streetcar named Desire.

So you are into female genital mutilation? Why are you defending that shit? Are you serious?

Beck is a Scientologist.

And there you seemed like a human being but really you are just a troll. Nice.

Why are you being so racist?

Don't you just love the virgin/whore dichotomy?

No. That is not how the world works in most things. Most things are more complex. But the one thing that needs to change to end female genital mutilation is to stop to fucking meet misogyny where it is. There is one thing that is happening. You pick up the knife because you believe women aren't people or you just

Now all repeat after NovelNasturtium: "I will understand and honor misogyny. I will understand and honor misogyny. I will understand and honor misogyny. I will understand and honor misogyny."

Nope. Look at the immigrant communities in Europe. Instead of being eradicated we know have it performed in Europe or children/women/men being brought outside the country.

Sorry, but ghostofcourtneystoddensboobs is completely right. I'm so sick of cultural relativist like you who never had to fear anything for being born with a vagina but make excuses left and right for misogyny.

Why are Western people always convinced human relationships are based on love based on biology? Those are cultural concepts.

lol. It's interesting when Americans have to realize that increased immigration from certain people brings problems that cannot be solved by pointing and screaming "raaciiismm!" but actually have to be dealt with.

Ha. I always hoped she would get more of a clue due to being influenced bythe people around her. That she had potential but it needed to be developed with a little help. But then the choices of whom she surrounds herself with got worse and worse and worse and I don't think she could sink any lower.

AS IF I would spend a second reading the bullshit of a right wing asshole who is intellectually inferior to me.

You lack serious comprehension and I don't have time to really focus on your comment right now but you let shine through that you are a pretty abhorrent person.

I still can't believe the audacity with which German society glosses over these issues. Then again, I'm reading a whole lot stories about the Holocaust lately, so I get it.

Care to explain that person's comment to me? I honestly don't get it.

I get that you're into dictatorships then?

Why are women into these assholes and why are the people around them fine with assholes? I mean, how are those guys telling their children how mommy and daddy met and what they loved about each other?