
Well, yes, I was going to say they don't. But it IS a way for young women to earn money, as little as it is. The same every way. For every factory that burns down in Bangladesh with the people inside there are hundreds in line when the next one opens. They have no choice.

The police are assumed to be involved in the disappearance/torturing/murdering of the women.

Also: multinational corporations and neoliberalism.

Maquiladoras in the area.

Disappearing students who seem politically on the left?

What is it with them though? I mean, where does that come from? I noticed too but why would a profession like that be attached to a character?

OF COURSE he was confused and angry! What the hell is that woman talking about how dare she!

I'm positively sure that had you not appeared a 100% giddy and enthusiastic about your new job somebody would have said that you need to have a more positive outlook on life and be more grateful or something.

Sorry to bother you but I just had to think about that stupid quote.

Yeah, but where are the commenters requesting that we respect other people's religion in this post?

Yes, death penalty after setting foot on Saudi Arabain soil might be a realistic answer to that question.

Go be a shitty person somewhere else.

All of them just acted out their roles in the system. Don't care about another human being. But Myrna had no reason to throw people who were not as lucky as her under the bus. She couldn't possibly include their perspective and see that it was more important than hers.

Really? How old is he and wasn't he married?

I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Yes, I was going to reply then I saw that people actually starred her post. This is it for me. There is no point in wasting time here since the people are absolute assholes. I'm so angry at that person I could scream. Thanks for standing up for others in a world full of Myrna Minkoffs. I wish I could downvote

What? This is just absurd. A local pet supply store? I mean, if they tell you the same while your are working in a big money corporation who will secure you will end up top level management but quitting high school to work in the local pet supply store...?? Did they explain themselves?

Because their thinking is guided by the capitalist profit margin to make as much money as they can for a superior not by thinking about the well-being of the person in front of them. They are taught to not think of you as human but as a production unit that will multiply the wealth for somebody in a higher position in

We COULD have gone seeing a movie on the 2.nd Christmas Day. We didn't because the more people show up the more they are going to make people work the next year. We went the day after. Why is it so hard for people to think about others for once in their lives?