
Plus, he's hot, so they would have to deal with their women drooling over him!

I agree. He's the only interviewer I don't watch with my buttocks clenched waiting for that embarrassing moment when they are trying too hard to be funny and it's not working.

Or Justin Bieber

Should be the Egyptian guy whose own Daily Show in Egypt had to be aborted. He's here now, and has experience, yet a fresh outlook.

I tape it and watch during breakfast, fast-forwarding through ads. Same with Nightly.

I started to see the change after he saw Boyhood last summer. It seemed to affect him deeply, and as he interviewed various participants of that movie, his wistfulness came out about his own kids' childhoods slipping away so fast in moments that he doesn't remember and they do.
He had been gone directing, a fresh

Plus, he was a producer on Colbert, so that kicked him more than a few zeros.

Pot cookies?

Agreed. Watch him with Stephen Fry, he devoted an entire show to that interview. Or his monologue to back off Britney Spears when she was at the height of her meltdown, or his monologue after his father died.
The same serious, sensitive guy could make a conversation with two puppets hilarious. His cold opens with the

I posted that on another site, when I first heard about this.
One of the sharpest things Jon ever did was when McCain accused him of being wrong on something, and he showed clips of McCain being so wrong about Iraq. He then challenged McCain to come on and have a "wrong-off", and what the repercussions were of each

The guy on @Midnight sounds like a car commercial you hear at 5:00am. Can't get to the mute button fast enough.
larry wilmore's show is good, will get better

He once tried to do the show in a more Dick Cavett-type conversational way, with Stephen Fry as the sole guest for the whole time, and none of the sidekicks and puppets. It must not have gone over with the network, because he didn't do it again. Closest was the Peabody-winning episode with Bishop Desmond Tutu.
The guy

He could give an outside observer's view to our politics and news.

Sorry — am on cold meds, so might not have been clear. Wasn't trying to burn anyone, but just an observation. They say that liberals got their news from a comedian (Stewart), but if that's true, then liberals also got their comedy from news anchors (Fox). (See, they merely switched their sources around from the

You notice he keeps talking about "sheep" and "butts"…. One track mind, that one….

Eight years of peace and prosperity really sent the Republicans into a hateful frenzy they haven't yet recovered from. Can you imagine how their heads would explode if Bill were to return to office? As soon as he got a surplus in the budget (I know….A-GAINNNN), they would have to start another network just to rant

I'd love it.

Well, liberals might have gotten their news from a comedian, but they also got their comedy from news anchors. That's liberals for you — broadminded.

He skewered news shows, but Fox was such an easy target it got the brunt of it, although lately CNN has been the main target. But he's lambasted both sides of the aisle when deserved. If the conservatives have had more to satirize, that's on them, not the messenger.

They are overcome with relief, but there won't be much of a reprieve on making fun of them for thinking Fox News is real. Making rigidly conservative people look foolish is too easy.