
But movie audiences don’t need it to be dumbed down. Every supposed blockbuster that fails always has the same follow ups. People involved tell us how the message was subtle so lots of people didn’t get it. i.e. we are idiots. Except we aren’t. Maybe the reason wasn’t we didn’t get the message because it was muddled

As both an adult and a little brother to two older sisters you are mistaken. Being able to send my sisters pictures of the 3 of us and drawing dicks on them is an endless font of joy.

Is Cyborg DC’s version of Ironman? Or are they trying to make him into that? i.e. Cool gadget, tech guy. Maybe that is why the are pushing him. I haven’t read comics in years and didn’t follow DC much even when I did so maybe this is a really stupid question. :)

I was really hoping the rumor was that Daisy was eaten by ants or something. I like that show but even after 3 seasons (watching on netflix) I still pray for her demise regularly. She is the Anakin Skywalker of SHIELD.

Typically when you vote on the general public not being a bunch of dipshits you just end up with empty pockets.