Caterina Thrace

No, you don’t have to make shows for the whole planet, but you may have to understand why not all your shows are universally appealing. Just my two cents; every country has their own issues with diversity, etc as well as their own tv industries - I’m thinking mainly Australia, Canada, UK etc here as that’s my

Slightly OT: I watched ‘Milk’ for the first time on the second leg of a flight from London to Sydney. I was crying so hard at the end that I was hiccuping and snorting and doing that stupid gasping kind of crying and the poor man next to me was trying to console me not realising I was just overly emotional about the

No, I just looked up her name - Sue Perkins. Although the other host, Mel, also has a great blazer game. But you are right, Mary Berry is indeed wonderful.

But isn’t that the point? I thought (reading between the lines) that he enjoys spending this money on all these things. I know I certainly do. It’s one of the perks of being an adult with a job- spending money on shit you don’t need because it brings you pleasure.

Scarves are my answer to this. I no longer buy interesting clothes because I hate shopping, people, people in shops and the shopping experience generally. So I buy everything in bulk (mostly white shirts and jeans) then just add a scarf and blazer combo. I end up looking like that short haired lady from Great British

This is exactly me. If I sat down and really thought about it I could probably come up with a list (I think it’s 30-35?) but who can be bothered? It would mean remembering long forgotten names of idiot boys in my early twenties, better left forgotten.

I definitely definitely want a shirt that says ‘Banal’ on it. With a full-stop.

I could be wrong but I think the Senate changed the rules some time ago so that children could be breast fed in chamber by changing the definitions of who could be excluded.

This is the best news this week so far. I tried watching Daredevil twice but both times I just couldn’t. Slow and boring. Maybe I’m missing something? ...But I feel like I’ve seen enough male-led shows, I’m done. Bring on more female leads, it’s just about all I’m interested in.

Just finished Broadchurch yesterday. He has played such different characters recently, it’s fantastic.

Me too. I don’t think I can do it, I love that version too much.

Yuck. Run away Jerry, he’s an evil turtle overlord bent on world destruction.

I think this perfectly sums up much of Australian culture as well, but I’d add the racism element too, which is often lost on a lot of outsiders. E.g. racist epithets used jokingly amongst (racially diverse) friends towards each other - and unfortunate as it is - it often highlights the fact that this is a signal of

I do this too, have done all my life. It comes and goes (controlling it at the moment) but the habit always comes back with stress.

Exactly. Oh, your feelings have been hurt? Well I’ve been fucking ripped apart from the insides so maybe you should get some bloody perspective old man.

I have to say, this has been a major concern of mine when considering the name of my future child. It really just has to be something that sounds like ass-kicking and taking names will occur.

Yup, and we’re ahead I believe - we are your future! And that future is Wednesday morning, partly cloudy, storms predicted :)

Oh I still love this gif so much. It’s just about made my day (and it’s only 9.24am!)

I didn’t read that as snark, I read it as kinda bitter. There seems to be more and more of that sort of thing on this site (just my opinion), it’s a real shame. There’s no need for it.

Label absolutely everything with your name and a contact email address and international phone number. Joburg is notorious for losing baggage, not just occasionally but pretty consistently. It’s no big deal, that’s what insurance is for, but if you don’t label absolutely everything in a place where you can remember to