
In the end, it’s about what makes fiscal sense. Our hearts and minds be damned, if it doesn’t make fiscal sense, then we can’t do it.

Along with impounding the car, and dragging out the case so long that it ends up going to the state supreme court. You got it!

Good for Google. They’ve been building up operations in that part of the U.S. for a while, I missed their expansion of autonomous cars.

Damnit, Jim, I’m a Virginian, not a Californian!

Dear Google,

This. COTD!

First, the autonomous car division goes independent. Then, we get our asses to Mars. The autonomous cab company makes a strategic move to Mars, and one day renames their company to Johnny Cab, so named not because of the driver (which looks like an overgrown ventriloquist mannequin), but because it includes one vital

Gallagher: “Dodge” is the perfect word to put on the front of a van comin’ at ya. If it says “Ram” on the side, they’re after your ass.

That’s because of the MR2’s best friend Snap. Snap Oversteer.

Kind of reminds me of the helo landing deck on the early DDGs...

LMAO! Now I can’t get that image out of my head either!

I look at the taillights and all I see is:

...this might be just the thing we need to get over our machismo and realize that scooters are freaking awesome.

I can see your point. My point is, now that the FAA is moving down this path, I can see them expanding the laws to regulate traditional radio-controlled aircraft as well as model rocketry.

Could be interesting to find out!

Precisely. This is especially true when you get into the multi-stage model rockets packing the Estes D- and E-series rocket engines. Back in the late ‘90s, Estes advertised (and sold) a model rocket that would carry a camera; at apogee, the camera would take a picture when the parachute charge fired.

Let’s see, model rockets, from a local hobby shop, attain altitudes in hundreds of feet, can be equipped with cameras, and we’re not regulated by the FAA. Radio-controlled aircraft never needed regulation by the FAA, same for radio-controlled helos. By this legislation being enacted, we’re heading down that road. It’s