
I think even the improbability drive is straining itself right now given the state of affairs around the world...

This shows what it takes to revolutionize an industry: sheer, wanton, unrelenting passion and belief in what you’re set to accomplish. Disregard for what’s established, with the vision of your goal set firmly in your mind.

Ah, but that can be just as confusing, when you attempt to analyze it. After all, no two points in a timeline in a single restaurant are the same, let alone the addition of other restaurants. Even more so when pseudo restaurants are considered, such as fast food establishments and convenience stores posing as

It also helps if your improbability drive is in good, working order.

Well, it started out somewhat dramatic:

It was a long commercial break with some F1 racing here and there.

That’s quite true. Those were fantastic!

The last gymkhana vids had fantastic aural tracks, I’m hoping the track to this one follows suit.

Now playing

Good gravy does that sound great! Nice truck, too - classic Chevy trucks have always had a place in my heart.

Those are outstanding! Love every one of those!

Beautiful, mysterioius, and breathtaking. The cosmos are a wondrous, dangerous place to admire.

Agreed, likely the reason there’s so much music. The next gymkhana video will probably feature open racing exhaust as the soundtrack.

It sounds very nice. I’m thinking the next gymkhana vid that rolls out will feature much glorious open exhaust symphony.

Except when Sainz pushed his car, he ate the barrier. The owners of these cars see them as an investment, and don’t want to see their very expensive machines end up in the barrier.

Kinda hard hearing it over the music. What I could hear sounded great!

Heat of the moment and intense racing, got it. That was still a pretty low move.

Australians have some very interesting vehicles. Mel Gibson drove one in Mad Max which may have been a descendent of that panel van concept:

Nice execution and nice concept. I’d like to see one with a GTO front end.

I agree wholeheartedly. It’s incredible, the vastness of the universe, whether we look outward into the stars, or inward toward molecular levels - and beyond.