
True. Maybe gamble was a poor choice of words.

Quite true. Not generally an issue with manual trans-equipped vehicles.

This sounds like a revenge movie plot if I ever read one.

Looks like Tesla found a way to begin the implementation of autonomous cars on the highways.

That looks insanely fun!

This one was The second I discovered, but the first I absolutely loved. I found out about this one shortly after I became enamored with the Weigert W8, but once I discovered the F40, the W8 quickly faded away.

Precisely! From everything I’ve read and watched, it’a a very involved process driving this car. And very rewarding experience.

This is the one car above all others I would love to drive.

You’re too late. I grew up in the southwest. I already love it!

Sounds like it really hit the fan. Not to worry, I don’t think your ratings have taken a plunge.

For loafing around, even!

I wonder if the purchase price wiped out their account balance.

Ah, no insult taken. A good videographer would likely have invested a substantial amount of time into producing the video, what with filming, editing, and production. I imagine to earn any amount of money doing this would require a substantial investment of both time and money.

Indeed. Sounds like a real-life adaptation of the classroom scene in Pink Floyd’s The Wall. Must have been entertaining, at the very least!

The styling is almost spot-on (still looks a touch Corolla-ish to me, but I digress). The power sounds like it’ll be more than adequate, and I’m guessing the sound will be pure sex!

1st Gear: Tesla has managed to make electric cars a thing of elegance. Porsche has commissioned a Model S-fighter. The next step would be viable electric propulsion for medium-duty trucks and buses on a large scale. I have hope for the future of electric vehicles.

I guess you could say I have a *puts on sunglasses* potty mouth.

For the owner of this Nissan, I’m certain that means “Crap Of The Day.”

It would give new meaning to “rolling through the neighborhood” for sure.