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    So what’s the deal with all these flash forwards? Not sure where they’re going with this, unless there’s some sort of time travel coming up.

    I’ve been waiting for Nate’s dad to call someone “butthead”, but I’ll take him using “make like a tree and leave”

    I think that nowhere porn is gone. At least that's what my friend told me. 

    I'm looking forward to seeing The Walking Dead on Mars

    No doubt trying to avoid IGN criticizing them for too much water

    Found two abandoned buildings very close to each other, each one with about 40 Whispering Eggs around them. That's over 7.5 million units 

    The P900 is a decent camera, but would be nice if you could use it for astrophotography.

    You’re probably right. I’ve seen some people who think that because they spent a few hundred dollars on a P900 camera, they’re suddenly expert photographers.

    But do they have a laser capable of emitting a beam of pure antimatter? 

    DVD and Blu-ray, because it took so damn long to come out on Blu-ray 

    DeVoe predicted every action that had been taken the whole season... Yet didn’t consider that his wife might try to pull the power source from his chair?

    I dunno... Is it racist if you say that you’re “not into black/white/etc” people? Or conversely, if you say you’re “only into black/white/etc”?

    I was really hoping the show would focus more on the organized crime and corruption that created the Gotham that needed Batman. And for a bit, it looked like we might be getting that. Seeing Penguin rise up through the ranks was cool. But then they had to try and pull in EVERYONE from the Batman universe way to early,

    I think someone’s idea of “super cheap” is different than mine