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    Very simple solution - offer higher achievements/trophies for those that want to complete the game at the highest difficulty. Many games already offer this, so it really shouldn't be that controversial. If someone wants to play at a lower difficulty level, or use "god mode", give them that option. It wouldn't take

    I understand where you're coming from. But it's also not realistic to expect technology to hold back. Online streaming is the future, and will continue to improve over time. 

    The Bills need to feed OJ the ball more often, he really knows how to slash through the defense."

    Uncle Luke wants Uncle Luke. Imagine the recruiting visits! The excesses of the 80s would pale in comparison. 

    The only way “passive mode” would work would be if you shoot someone, you can’t go back into passive mode for a specified period of time. That would prevent players from going passive, coming out and killing someone, then jumping right back into passive.

    Adding a bounty system like that would only encourage trolls to kill lots of people, rack up a huge bounty, then have their friend shoot them and earn the bounty. 

    Thanks to close captioning, I caught another awesome line in that meta moment: 'I bet this year they swap costumes' 

    I’ve been waiting for Nate’s dad to call someone “butthead”, but I’ll take him using “make like a tree and leave”

    I think that nowhere porn is gone. At least that's what my friend told me. 

    No doubt trying to avoid IGN criticizing them for too much water

    Found two abandoned buildings very close to each other, each one with about 40 Whispering Eggs around them. That's over 7.5 million units 

    I dunno... Is it racist if you say that you’re “not into black/white/etc” people? Or conversely, if you say you’re “only into black/white/etc”?