Actually it's because we're really fucking stupid.
Actually it's because we're really fucking stupid.
I can’t believe that G/O still doesn’t control the Deadspin twitter account. It’s fucking hilarious how incompetent these boobs are.
Had to rewind a few times to read their reference. Spot on.
Not sure. Not even sure I'll hang around long enough to find out. I'm having a hard time giving pageviews to anything these herbs can make money off of.
Truly unreal. Also a way to show us they 1) have no idea what they bought and 2) don't care if it's hollowed out until it's completely unrecognizable.
I’ve been keeping on eye on The Root to see how quickly they jump to “strictly entertainment”.
I checked in yesterday and someone is posting, but there is no byline (just “deadspin”) and there are no comments.
Are the comments still disabled on zombie Deadspin? I haven’t been back since the last of the writers and editors walked.
JFK and Bill Clinton managed to do the job while juggling plenty of extramarial sexual relationships. With women.
We’re done here ladies and gentlemen.
The fact that this was in The New Republic is what deflates this article’s whole defense for me. If a deep understanding of gay culture is necessary to properly understand your attack on Pete, maybe publish it somewhere whose readership will have that knowledge.
Peck clearly doesn’t understand himself at all. He’s a middle aged, married gay man who still looks in the mirror and sees his 1990s self, and resents other gay men who don’t share his narrow worldview and tastes (or rather hates; he doesn’t like much beyond himself)
I found this piece to be problematic (Peck’s piece) precisely because it relied on some old stereotypes that gay men have fought for a long time, and because it seemed to paint all gay men with the same brush. The idea that all gay men are sexually promiscuous can be very damaging and does not apply to everyone in the…
I suspect Peck’s real problem with Mayor Pete is that for so long Peck has defined his own self image in opposition to what he perceives as “mainstream.” His most outwardly apparent, obvious claim to existing outside of the mainstream is his status as a sexual minority.
“Historically progressive?” You haven’t followed the New Republic closely, have you. Historically, they feature the kind of “liberals” who go on Fox shows to trash the left and brag about their friendship with Ann Coulter.
Peck’s column popped up in my newsfeed on Saturday and I read it all the way through. Within its text, one thing became clear to me (me: a 57 year old gay man who went through the early 90s in NY and LA - and all that meant, too): Peck is stuck in a time and place and suffering from arrested development. I’d wager…
Thanks for the perspective, but you really don’t think that a historically progressive magazine like The New Republic publishing an article that argues that because a gay politician came out relatively later in life than the current norm, he won’t be able to focus on his job because he’ll be too busy exploring his…
Yep. If there’s anything we can learn from the last several years, it’s that money “Trumps” decency. In all things.
Guess banks aren’t the only things too big to fail.