
I think part of what makes these conversations so difficult is that we can’t ever hold them in a truly safe space. We can’t have a real conversation about the grey areas in sexuality without some creep jumping in to be like, “Exactly, it’s complicated, that’s why I’m not a rapist.” We feel pressure to be like “CONSENT

Alexander Hamilton not only had MULTIPLE abortions, he’s the founder of Planned Parenthood and (with Thomas Jefferson) designed the first abortionplex. Not well known, but absolutely fact.

How dare Latinos stand in solidarity with each other!!!1!

Uh huh. Where did I mention race at all? Weird that you went looking for it.
And grimace through? Guess you didn’t see him congratulating Peyton Manning (see above because I can’t fucking figure out Kinja). What a poor sport!

They don’t. It only matters when an uppity young man shows his TRUE COLORS or some dumb shit like that.

Most of the criticism Cam gets has to do with the fact that he’s black. That’s a fact a lot of people are uncomfortable with. It’s still a fact. But from the moment dude got into the league, he’s been a super sore loser, and this just gives everybody who has a problem with him for no good reason a thing to point to

Critics say Newton should have dove onto the ball. They say they would have also approved if he’d turned into a smaller white QB and run away.

For my life? Yes.

Of course most men can handle rejection. I would guess that the percentage who kill after being rejected is miniscule.

It’s really simple buddy. Women are murdered by men for “rejecting them” vastly more often than men are murdered by women for “rejecting them”.

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

Honestly if Kojima had attempted some sort of not-raggedy and completely random outfit I wouldn’tve minded. There were plenty of ways for her to “breathe through her skin” and not look well, like this.

Me too. Because her outfit is terrible.

Righteous hate for Quiet’s get-up.

What’s right is subjective, because nobody is seeing it apparently.


This exactly. When I was dating my now wife during college, she lived in Illinois and I lived in Maine during the summers. One summer some guys were asking me how the hell I leave her alone for three whole months. I simply replied that I trusted her. They looked at me like I had three heads. Some people just don’t

I don’t really see it as a red flag. The guy has some trust issues, and he’s already got some distorted way of looking at her interactions. He says that she needs to “re-evaluate her values and integrity” as if talking to and meeting people somehow makes her some awful person. I’ve dealt with that kind of worrying and

I thought I would find overwhelming support for the advice offered to the first guy, but... I was wrong. Just because you’re in a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you get to authorize their platonic day-to-day interactions. Talking to people without your knowledge isn’t some cloak and dagger clandestine way to