“Thanks, white person!”
“Thanks, white person!”
...And to Japanese people they look Japanese. They sometimes look like Japanese people with blue or pink or yellow hair, but what you’re seeing as visual signifiers of whiteness are typically taken by Japanese viewers as signifiers of being Japanese, or as typical flourished of the anime style (the huge round eyes,…
My boyfriend and I were talking about this last night- just because the characters look white, doesn’t mean they’re meant to be white.
Pretty much. Kobe could rape someone and get off with a small fine. Probably no more than the cost of a fancy wedding ring
Jezebel taking over Kotaku would look like the first 15 minutes of Saving Private Ryan.
countertaek: Rudy is a story about if a white guy whines enough about how he really, really wants to do something a bunch of black guys are more qualified to do, other white guys will give him the job.
is it only women though?
Despite all of the stupid comments you’re receiving, I stand with you.
The trend is disgusting. I mean, look at it. Look at how it’s always women being targeted. And yet, there’s always some con-fucking-venient excuse about why they “deserved” it.
No. Fuck this.
Yeah, can you believe the nerve of Anita Sarkeesian? She expressed an opinion in public, while being a woman AT THE SAME TIME. Since when is that legal?
Did she talk about pedophile rights on Twitter?
The article I see on Linkedin, appears to be a cultural/anthropological analysis of western pressures on Japan’s seemingly lax anti-child pornography laws. Does she say in this that child porn should be legal?
That’s not true at all. She wrote a paper in college about the representaion of young/underage characters in Japanese media. It wasn’t a well written or thought out paper, but she wrote it in fucking college... That paper was only brought to everyone’s attention with GG/MRA idiots dug it up and used it as a shitty…
Actually, I think your great grandma was Marge Schott.
It’s much simpler than you’re making it. “Hitler is the person who disagrees with you on the internet.” That should hold them until school fills in the details.
Here’s a tip from a dog lover for people who don’t own dogs. There were some basic mistakes by the players in this video. The dog is scared. If you are seen as a threat, the dog will not come. Don’t jog up to it and expect it not to cower when you clumsily grasp at it. Just wait for it to approach you while your hand…
To be and not to be!
“There. NOW, this sport that pays millions of dollars to 320 pound supermen to run full speed at each other in an attempt to stop the other, will finally be safe.
We’ve done it!”
I can only speak for myself, but this “simplistic crap” does strike me as wrong-headed, not to mention culturally and racially blinkered. It’s certainly not the only instance of reimagining imperialism as the happy meeting of cultures (Americans celebrate Thanksgiving every year, after all), but when an opportunity…
Even calling it “Commonwealth” or somesuch would be a big step in a better direction.