
Hi, hello, functionning ex drug user here. I’m happy, educated, employed, stopped on my own without efforts, I just simply outgrew it. I don’t self medicate for anything because universal healthcare, why would I ? I never felt like my time doing drugs did any harm to neither my body nor my mind, never really had comedo

Ex drug user here. Did pretty much everything I could get my hands on for about 3 years. With very little limitations (no needles, no meth.) and without any restraints (weekdays, weekends, whatever).

Then I finished school, found a job, and stopped. It was painless, I didn’t even really think about it, I just found

As an addiction counselor, you’re pretty much only going to be seeing people who are having trouble with quitting their drug use. Someone who has made up their mind that they’re going to knock it off and then just...does...they won’t be seeking your services. Nor will they be telling friends, coworkers or the internet

Ack, the smelling! I didn’t think of that. THAT would be the worst.

Being in the room and hearing/smelling your parents having sex on top of you is going to give any 10yo PTSD, no matter how sex positive the family is.

They don’t even allow you to have bees in there. 

I’ll take a little bit of solace in knowing she passed at home, instead of in some bar-less hospital…

I don’t understand this post and won’t respond to it.

This just isn’t factually based. It was my own therapist who suggested to me that abstinence is not the only way. I OD’d multiple times during 2014, 2015, 2016. And have not touched a hard drug or drank enough to have a hangover since 2018. But I do drink. I do smoke weed. Therapist actually thought the weed may help

Well, if Megan Markle did nothing else she’s getting terrible brits kicked off the air and that’s not a bad thing.

“I keep getting older, but my political opinions stay the same age.”

McConaughey would easily be the best governor since Ann Richards, whose term ended in 1995. After her were George W. Bush, Rick Perry, and now Abbot.

One of these two candidates is a man paid to lie about who he is for a living... the other is Matthew McConaughey.

Could McConaughey possibly be worse than Abbott?

So his campaign slogan is going to be....

I did not know who Alex Beresford was before this, but I think I am in love now, because that was flipping fantastic. 

No but only because he was the villain long before he was rejected lol

It has been accurately said that universities like Harvard are really hedge funds, with an educational program that serves as a fig leaf.

I wanted munchkin lessons when I was a kid but I grew ou -

In other news, NHL to ban Canadians, players with missing teeth.